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Детектор электромагнитного поля
Миниатюрный модуль радарного датчика 5,8G HLK-LD015 для умного дома

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код товара: 00-00069348


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Детектор электромагнитного поля


HLK-LD015-5G is a miniaturized 5.8G radar sensor launched by Hi-Link.
The module size is 46*8mm. The module fully integrates 5.8G microwave circuit, intermediate frequency amplifier circuit and signal processor, with high integration and good production consistency.
The peripheral is matched with a miniaturized planar antenna, which greatly reduces the overall size while ensuring the performance of the sensor.
The sensor can be used to detect the presence of human body or various scenes of moving target sensing, including smart home, Internet of Things, and smart lighting. Especially in the field of lighting, it has been widely used in standard lighting products such as induction bulbs and tubes.

HLK-LD015-5G requires 3 pins by default, namely VCC, GND and OUT. At this time, the induction delay and induction distance are fixed values.

If you need to adjust the induction delay and induction distance and other related parameters, you need to add 2 pins, RX and TX, on the hardware as shown in Figure 3.

In software configuration, RX and TX can be used as I/O ports or UART ports to adjust module parameters.
These two PINs are regarded as I/O ports by default, where TX is used to adjust the sensing distance, its sensing distance is 4~6 meters at low level while 3~5 meters at high level; RX is used to adjust the delay time, its sensing delay time is 30S at low level while 2s at high level.
When the sensing is triggered again within the delay time, the timing will restart. RX and TX can also be used both as UART port to adjust the module parameters, and serial ports.


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